The NarVOS List
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Explanatory notes below:-
This list includes the bird species recorded in the Nar Valley Ornithological Society (NarVOS) recording area, 1976-2020, that have been accepted by the Norfolk Records Committee. More recent records may not be included where they are yet to be verified by the Records Committee. Details of individual records and species accounts generally are published each year in the Society’s Annual Report.
All references are relevant to the period from the formation of NarVOS in November 1976. Thus a descriptor followed by “formerly bred” should be interpreted as a species which bred during the early years of NarVOS, but no longer does so. There has been no attempt to include any records prior to 1976.
There are several references within the list to records from King’s Lynn BF. This refers to the Beet Factory that used to occupy the site where Palm Paper now stands. The site included a series of lagoons that were a magnet for migrating waders. Sadly they are now long gone.
Species status
The following categories are used as a guideline and an attempt to standardise the status of individual species within the NarVOS area:
Vagrant: Less than 5 records (each is shown)
Very Rare: 5-25 records
Rare: Annual or near annual
Uncommon: Can be seen monthly in appropriate habitat and at right time of year
Fairly Common: Can be seen weekly in appropriate habitat and at right time of year
Common: Can be seen daily in appropriate habitat and at right time of year
Very Common: 50+ per day - in appropriate habitat and at right time of year
For species where breeding numbers are significantly different from numbers at other times of the year, the following definitions have been used
Occasional: Breeds less than every other year
Very rare: Breeds most years, but not all
Rare: 1-10 pairs breed in most years
Uncommon: 11-100 pairs breed in most years
Common: 101-500 pairs breed in most years
Very common: 500+ pairs breed in most years