North Wootton Marsh
A large low lying arable area south of Snettisham RSPB and adjoining the Great Ouse. The area is intensively farmed but interspersed with drainage dykes and the meandering final stretch of the Babingley river as it reaches the estuary at Lynn Point. The area sits below the sea wall beyond which saltmarash and mudflats from part of the Wash.
Species: Winter: Small groups of Whooper and Bewick Swans; Pink-Footed and Brent Geese, Hen Harrier, occasional Rough-Legged Buzzard and Corn Bunting.
Summer: occasional Montagu’s Harrier. Autumn: Golden Plover.
All year: Marsh Harrier, Gull roosts.
Access: Drive the back roads west of North Wootton village approached from Manor Road turning westwards onto Marsh Road at All Saints church. View the fields from the roadside and where public access ends at TF627264.