Blackborough End
Best known for Blackborough End Tip – a landfill site - but also for flooded gravel pits, streams and patches of woodland (Foster’s End). All private, but viewable.
Species: Autumn/Winter: Gulls, including occasional Caspian Gull, Yellow-legged Gull, Glaucous Gull, Iceland Gull and Mediterranean Gull. Kingfisher, Great-crested and Little Grebe, Goldeneye and, in winter, rare records of Smew and even Long-tailed Duck. Spring/Summer: Gulls, Warblers, Grebes, Kingfisher, Cuckoo.
Access: Private land. Park carefully on bridle path at TF 673143 and walk ½ mile to view from TF 682148 and adjacent permissive paths.